BLOG 2-The challenge of managing diverse teams

The challenge of managing diverse teams

Diverse teams or workforce diversity in a modern context refers to the differences of background primarily race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation and natural origins (Lynn et al 2009). Due to business globalization, Swinton & Hudson (2014) describes that embracement of diversity in an organization is vital as it benefits the economy of a particular country. Moreover, diversity management in an organization is designed to promote equal opportunity and prevents discrimination which values differences and recognizes unique talents and perspective within the workforce (Mullins 2010).

diversed org

Figure 1 Diversed Organisation (source: The Irish Times)


Advantages of Managing Diverse Team

Diverse teams promote creativity, better problem solving skills, increases innovation, agility, reducing conflict, quicker adaption for change and diversity climate indicating lower intent to leave (Bacik & Turakova 2018). Besides, the author also stated that a research by Mckinsey & Company based on 1000 companies across 12 countries proved that a racially diverse workforce boosts sales revenue and market shares. Notably, employees with diverse background are more productive and satisfied with their jobs leading to better business connection between customers (Dixit & Bajpai 2015).


Challenges of a diverse team

While diverse teams have positive values; studies do show that they do not actually perform better as they lack communication with their own community and commitment to their organization (Dixit & Bajpai 2015). Additionally, there are employees who are reluctant to embrace change and if the company does not handle it well, the initial intentions may not benefit the company (Anita & Swamy 2018).  Furthermore, challenges such as similarity attraction and self-categorization occurs in organizations resulting in team members preferring to associate with people who share similar beliefs, thoughts and attitudes (Guver & Motschnig 2017). The author explained that social and self-categorization could contribute to conflict, anxiety, individual turn over and trust among team members.

Recommendation Model for Managers

Tuckman Model

Managers could utilize the Team Development Model developed by Dr. Bruce Tuckman in 1965 to aid in managing a diverse group (Mullins 2010). Mullins (2010) describes Tuckman’s model incorporates the five stages of group development and relationship which are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. According to Nestor (2013), Tuckman noted that there are three issues determining a team’s performance namely content, process and feelings that can result in an underperforming team. The author described that issues were addressed during the performing stage when the team starts focusing on completing the tasks. Notably, virtual teams are increasing significantly and the Tuckman’s model provides the flexibility to a team while maintaining its structure (Nestor 2013). However, limitations are identified in this model as there are no clear explanations on how a group changes over time (Bonebright 2010).



Figure 2: Tuckman Model 5 stages of team development.


Belbin Team Roles

Managers should also weigh and utilize other models such as Belbin Team Roles in addition to the Tuckman model as it helps in improving the team’s development by providing team members with insights on their performance (Stanwick 2017). While not all skills are needed concurrently, team leaders should look into the team’s objectives and prioritize tasks accordingly to its importance (Belbin 2019).

Diversity Industry Leader (Accenture)


Figure 3: Accenture known for workplace diversity

Accenture ranked the first in workplace diversity and is listed as one of the top 10 most diverse companies in 2018 based on a study done by Thomson Reuters (Gassam 2018). Gassam (2018) noted that the secret towards workplace success are setting diversity goals, representation of diverse talents and implementing diversity and inclusion from top management.  CEO of Accenture in North America, Julie Sweet stated that a diverse workplace helps a consulting firm attract and retain its skilled talents (Dantes 2019). The author added that Accenture has currently 459,000 people in the workforce globally with a representation of 42% being women and is targeting to reach an equal representation of male and female employees by 2025. Accenture is committed to boost equality for all by launching the #GettingtoEqual seminar in collaboration with international women’s day which can motivate and strive towards achieving the 2025 balance workforce goal (Accenture 2019).


Figure 4: Accenture Promotes equality



Diverse workforce is becoming increasingly vital for a company that strives for innovation and their leaders must be prepared and equipped to meet the demands. A good leader should analyze their surroundings and accept employees regardless of differences by providing equality to all. Diverse teams bring high value to the organization and it is important to respect individual differences by creating a competitive edge and productivity (Green et al 2002).

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Accenture (2019) Gender Equality [online] available from <; [7 February 2019].

Accenture (2019) Inclusion & diversity[online] available from                                                               <; [7 February 2019].

Accenture (2018) ‘Accenture Ranks no 1 on Thomson reuters index of world most diverse and inclusive companies. Accenture Newsroom [online] 6thSeptember. Available from                                                                                  <>                            [8 February2019].

Anita,R. Dr. and Swamy V.K. Dr. (2018) ‘Diversity Management at workplace: Aspects, Challenges, and Strategies’. International Journal of Engineering technology science and research. 1 (5), 306-316.[online]. Available from<>%5B9 February 2019].

Bacik, R. and Turakova, A. (2018) ‘Diversity management as a Competitive Advantage source of the successful company’. Journal of global Science[online]. Available from<>[7 February 2019].

Belbin. (2019) The Nine Belbin Team Roles [online] available from                                     <; [7 February 2019].

Bonebright, D. A. (2010) ‘40 years of storming: a historical review of Tuckman’s model of small group development’. Human Resource Development International [online] 1 (13), 111-120. Available from <; [7 February 2019].

Bussinessballs (2018) Tuckman Forming storming norming performing model [online] available from < /> [7 February 2019].

Dantes, D.  (2019) ‘Accenture CEO: Diversity and Inclusion Starts from Within’. Fortune [online] 9thJanuary. Available from                                                                           <>                     [8 February 2019].

Dixit, P. and Bajpai, B.L. Dr. (2015) ‘Managing Workforce Diversity in Competitive Environment’. International Journal of Business and Management Invention. 1 (4), 1-11.[online]. Available from< >[9 February 2019].

Gassam,J. (2018) ‘The 10 Most Diverse companies of 2018’. Forbes [online] 11thOctober. Available from                                                          <>[7 February 2019].

Guver, S.,Motschnig, R. (2017) ‘Effect of Diversity in teams and workgroup’. International journal of Business, humanities and Technology [online] 2 (7), 6-34. Available from <; [7 February 2019].

Green, K., Lopes, M., Wysocki, A, Kepner, K., Farnsworth, D., and Clark, J. L. (2012) Diversity in Workplace [online] available from <; [7 February 2019].

Hudson,J.S.W. (2014) ‘Diversity in the workforce’. Journal of Education and human Development[online] 4 (3), 73-82. Available from <; [6 February 2019].

Lynn, M.S.,Chung-harera, B.G., Michelle A, Ehrhart, K. H., Jung, Don, I., Randel, A.E. And Singh, G. (2019) ‘Diversity in organizations: Where are we now and where are we going?’.Human Resource management review.[online]. Available from <; [9 February 2019].

Mullins, L. J. (2010) Management & Organizational behavior [online] 9th Edition available from                                     <,%209th%20edition.pdf&gt; [18th January 2019].

Nestor, R. (2013) ‘Bruce Tuckman’s Team Development Model’ [online] available from                                                               <…/3C6230CF-61E8-4C5E-9A0C1C81DCDEDCA2/

/> [7 February 2019].

Stanwick (2017) ‘Tuckman and Belbin go hand in hand’ [online] available from                                                               <; [7 February 2019].

Join the Conversation


  1. Hi Prashanth, interesting points! Could you please share with me your current workplace? Do you think it is diversified ? If yes, do you think it has bring such the advantages to your company ?


    1. Hi Amy, Thanks. And yes the company that i am working is MNC and all over the world. Therefore anyone who can contribute it brings advantages to the company regardless of gender and race which creates measurable results in its workforce, workplace and marketplace.


    1. Hi Fong, Thanks. Currently i do not manage a diverse team but i am working with a diverse team. My experience on working with a diverse team may be difficult at first due to language and communication barriers but over time i manage to understand and overcome this barriers.


    1. Hi Sara, Thanks. Diversity had benefited the organisation i am in through various ideas and innovations which helps to promote the companies name. Whereas it benefited me by being able to communicate well and break barriers that i initially had before joining the organisation.


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