BLOG 5- My Vision of Leadership

  The style of leadership that I vision of becoming is a situational leader designed by Hersey and Blanchard. Based on blog 3, this approach analyzes different leadership situations to attain the best outcome. After going through the various styles of leadership, situational leadership suits my preference as it is flexible and easily adaptable. According …

BLOG 4- Leadership and change

Change in an organization refers to the process of revamping the direction, structure and capabilities to match the changing demands of the companies external and internal customers (By 2005). Ebongkeng (2018) added that change leads the managerial staff to be proactive towards environmental change or challenges.  Organization change allows companies to remain competitive and statistical …

Blog 3- Most effective Leadership & Management Styles & Approaches

Leadership and management styles are adapted vastly around the globe; however, the outcome of both are different. Lunenburg (2011) indicated that not all managers practice leadership and not all leaders possess management skills thereby making its activities unique. Mullins (2010) stated that management activities contains five elements which managers abide with to achieve their day …

BLOG 2-The challenge of managing diverse teams

The challenge of managing diverse teams Diverse teams or workforce diversity in a modern context refers to the differences of background primarily race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation and natural origins (Lynn et al 2009). Due to business globalization, Swinton & Hudson (2014) describes that embracement of diversity in an organization is vital as it …

BLOG1-Leadership and Ethics

  Leadership and Ethics  Leadership is defined as a set of skills which drives the influence, interaction and behavior of a person in a group or organization in order to achieve a specific set of goals (Yuki 2013) whereas Mullins (2010) described leadership as the use of getting others to execute things willingly and exercising …

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